prestige snowmobile tours - fernie bc
snowmobile and backcountry tours

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prestige toursprestige tours home pageprestige tours fernie bcsnowmobile rentalsequipment and pricesprestige snowmobile tours
prestige snowmobile toursimportant informationprestige tours staffprestige recommendscontact us at prestige toursprestige fernie bc
It's a once in a
snowmobile rentals:
Snowmobile Rentals (full day only) - $400 excluding taxes.
Sleds are rented with a full tank and are to be returned the same way.
There is also a $3,500 damage deposit.

We rent out Arctic Cats from 500 - 900cc.

other rentals and purchases:
• Avalanche Equipment Rentals - $30/person.
• Food - $15/person
contact prestige tours in fernie bc email
Website created by two owls collect design
prestige snowmobile video